Grading & Report Cards
Grading & Report Cards at D’Evelyn Junior-Senior High School
All grades can be found via Infinite Campus in the Student and Parent portals.
Progress reports are posted online every six weeks with final report cards posted at the end of each semester. The semester grade is cumulative. Exact dates for grade reports will be shared through email.
Letter grades are given in each subject area according to this scale:
- A (90-100%)
- B (80-89%)
- C (70-79%)
- D (60-69%)
- F (below 60%)
Honor Roll
Each semester, students with outstanding academic achievement will be recognized for their work during the previous semester by being named to the D’Evelyn Honor Roll. Honor Roll awards will be made according to the following criteria:
- Platinum, 4.0
- Gold, 3.99-3.75
- Silver, 3.74-3.5
- Bronze, 3.49-3.0
Grades for determining Honor Roll recognition will be weighted.
For questions about honor roll, contact Greg Kottcamp at