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Science and the scientific method are essential for understanding our world and our place in it. D’Evelyn’s senior high school science program will be based upon the three “pillars” of science: biology, chemistry and physics. These three courses are the foundation for all other scientific fields of study. Moreover, they form a continuity of understanding in which knowledge from one supports and extends the conceptual framework of the others.

In addition to standard textbook coursework, studies in the science program will involve laboratory work, data analysis, proof of basic laws and principles (analytically and experimentally), problem-solving and scientific reasoning.

Awareness of the nature and limitations of science as well as its relationship to and dependence on other academic disciplines will be fostered.

Graduation Requirements

Three years – Biology, Chemistry and Physics

Course Requirements

Only students who achieved a passing grade in biology and are concurrently enrolled in Algebra/Geometry II or higher may enroll in chemistry. To enroll in physics, students must have achieved a passing grade in biology, chemistry and Algebra/Geometry II. Ideally, students enrolled in physics are concurrently enrolled in Algebra/Geometry III or higher.

Students who are behind grade level in math will wait until their junior year for chemistry and until their senior year for physics to give them the optimal chance for success.


Students will develop the following skills through the science curriculum:

  • Ability to comprehend nonfiction and technical writings (FD 16)
  • Mathematical and scientific reasoning skills, such as graphical interpretation and developing explanations and/or scientific arguments (FD 9, 17)
  • Writing scientific papers such as lab reports (FD 16)
  • Laboratory skills (FD 9)
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