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Physical Education

Physical education classes provide a broad program of physical activities with an emphasis on active participation. Team sports provide opportunities for cooperation and competition.  Both individual and team sports build self-image and self-discipline.

Graduation Requirements

One semester – Physical education is required for one semester in junior high and one semester in high school.

In lieu of taking one semester of P.E. in high school, students must complete a P.E. waiver request and fulfill one of the following:

  • Participation in two seasons of the same CHSAA-sanctioned sport (if the CHSAA sport is offered at D’Evelyn, a waiver may only be approved for participation on the D’Evelyn team)
  • Participation in two seasons of poms or cheerleading
  • Participation in three seasons of marching band or color guard

A student may request a P.E. waiver for participation in a non-CHSAA sport if the following requirements are met:

  • The student must have a substantial time, fitness and competitive commitment that is similar to that of a CHSAA sport. 
  • A student must compete in this sport for at least two seasons.
  • A student must meet the CHSAA academic eligibility standards throughout their participation.

It is the responsibility of the student to present their P.E. waiver request to the principal prior to the end of junior year. 

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