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Career & College

D’Evelyn is committed to helping our students transition successfully to the postsecondary chapter of their lives.


The college process can be intimidating for many students and families and can lead to a whirlwind of emotions. The D'Evelyn high school counselors are available to help alleviate some of the stress and anxiety that can arise during the college journey.

The D'Evelyn counseling department works closely with admission representatives to gain insight into best practices and recommendations on how to stand out on a college application. The steps outlined below can help students and families start preparing for specific college application requirements.

Students can reach out to their counselors with questions on the college process.  


College planning timelines


Career education and exploration is one of the most important areas of student development. Research shows that students should implement some type of career exploration every school year beginning around kindergarten. The education and engagement start very simple at younger ages, and once students reach junior and senior high the development process should intensify.

At D'Evelyn, the counseling department works with students in multiple ways to help introduce them to careers that best fit their strengths and personalities. Assessments are used on Naviance that help narrow possible career fields based on each student's response. The assessments are designed to be a starting point for students to introduce them to careers in the community and around the nation; some they may have heard of while others may be brand new to them.

Our goal is to introduce students to as many careers as possible, so they can start to determine which career will best fit them. We also encourage students to attend career exploration sessions with community professionals to hear what a day in the life of a particular profession is like. We encourage students and their families to talk about the Naviance assessments and potential careers.

As counselors, we are here to assist in career development and curiosity. We encourage students to explore, ask questions and be open-minded when looking at future careers.


D’Evelyn students can pursue a future in one of the branches of the U.S. military.

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Scholarships & Financial Aid

Find resources to help students find postsecondary tuition assistance.

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