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D'Evelyn Education Foundation

Formally established in 2004, the D'Evelyn Education Foundation (DEF) is a nonprofit organization whose primary goal is to provide the financial support necessary to maintain D'Evelyn's academic, athletic, performing arts, and scholarship programs. 

As a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, the foundation gives those who donate the benefits of a charitable contribution. One hundred percent of the money raised goes directly back to support the students of D'Evelyn.

With help from the many volunteers and funding from the foundation, D'Evelyn provides an academic education unequaled by other public schools as well as opportunities for many diverse activities that make school interesting and exciting. 

Visit the How DEF Works page to learn how generous donations from the community are used to enhance the junior high and high school experience of our students and teachers. And, be sure to view the Sponsors page to learn about community businesses that support our fundraising programs.

Volunteers make it all possible and we are always in need of helping hands to help with teacher appreciation, after prom, the dinner auction and more! Volunteer as little as one hour or apply your skills to a larger role to make a big impact for our students and teachers. See the Volunteering page to learn more.

D'Evelyn Education Foundation (DEF)  DEF Student Scholarships

Board Members

The DEF Board of Directors oversees the finances, legal issues and long-term strategic plans of the organization. The volunteer board meets at 6 p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month when school is in session.

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