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To report an absence:

In Campus

Log in to Infinite Campus. Click on "More than Absence Requests". Select your student or students, the reason for the absence, and the type of absence, "Full Day", "Arrive Late" or "Leave Early". Then select the date/s and times, if applicable, then please add any additional information in the comments section then click Submit.


The parent or guardian of the student must call the 24-hour attendance line at 303-982-5771 and leave a voicemail by 8:10 a.m. on the day of the absence. Please state the reason for the absence. 

Attendance line: 303-982-5771 

Please note that Jeffco Schools Policy states: A school shall require communication from the parents or guardian within 24 hours to verify the reason for absence. 

Parents must call the attendance line each day of an extended absence when a student is out sick.

Please check the teacher’s website for missed assignments and communicate with teachers by email if any clarification or further communication is needed. If you have any questions, call a counselor or the main office.

Once students arrive at school, they must remain on school grounds. A student arriving after 8:15 a.m. is considered tardy.

Contact Us

D’Evelyn attendance line: 303-982-5771